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Monday, August 2, 2010


keep shades closed, especially when not home. reduces heat and a/c bills, and intruders.

put bucket of ice in front of fan, just like the old days.

keep windows and doors closed when a/c is on. hot air will come in and a/c will continue to work and will feel warm inside.

use a squirter to feel cool. keep in refrigerator until needed. cool mist will feel great.

keep fans on only if in room. not effective if you leave the room. make sure fan is blowing down not up.

put ur computer on sleep mode if not logged on after a few minutes. this will reduce stress on computer, heat released by computer and your electric bill.

go barefoot and feel the cool floor.

drink plenty of liquids and eat less. eat more cold fruits straight from the fridge. skip the oven and use the microwave or use the bbq grill instead. avoids heat inside house and smells, too!