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Friday, September 7, 2012

How to Stay Active Forever Part II

Here are more few tips from AARP magazine Coddle the achilles: Tendon injuries are commong among older runners because the connective tissues lose some elasticity. Stretch your Achilles by leaning against a wall, with one leg extended behind you, heel on the ground. Hold for 30 seconds, then slightly bend the knee on the extended leg and hold for another 30 seconds. Switch legs. Strengthen your shoulders: With age we lose some of the water content in tendons and ligaments. Drier and more brittle, they can rip. Strengthen your shoulders by grasping both ends of an elastic tube and pulling the tubing apart. Repeat five times. Grab golf balls: Sore heels and arches are very common and can result in plantar fascitis, an inflammation of the connective tissue in the foot that can take months to heal. Prevent the problem by loosening the arch and tissues in your feet. Roll a golf ball over your arches. Stretch strategically: Stretch when you're a bit warmed up. Stretch thoughout the day, while watching TV or right before bed.