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Wednesday, November 9, 2011


First there was Black Friday, then Cyber Monday. Now
there is Small Business Saturday, a day dedicated to
supporting the small businesses that fuel local economies
and invigorate our communities.
If thousands of us make small purchases, we're part of
something huge.

Pledge to Shop SmallSMTell friends about your pledge to Shop Small and get a few
of them together on Small Business Saturday to tackle
those holiday lists.

Share your favorite shopsTell friends about your favorite stores and restaurants so
they can check 'em out.

Shop SmallShop at the small businesses that mean the most to you
on November 26. Want a few suggestions? Find small
businesses in your area.

When you pledge to Shop Small on Small
Business Saturday, Nov. 26 you will have the chance to
win one of 100 $25 American Express® Shop Small
Gift Cards.*