Welcome to my site where you can find hidden treasures of all types. You will find helpful hints, jokes and stories. You will find ebay auctions and collectibles for sale. You will find great deals and coupons to help you save some money. Make sure to visit my website at www.rememberthemagic.com for more details on the services provided. So sit back, relax and remember the magic!

Friday, November 25, 2011


We are offering:

50% OFF on ALL hosting services. This includes shared hosting, reseller hosting, VPS hosting, Dedicated servers and Windows hosting! This does not include domain names.
Visitors do NOT need to insert a coupon code to receive the special. The correct coupon code will automatically be inserted on all orders placed on Black Friday.
The discount applies to the clients first invoice. Our VPS and dedicated server hosting services are only available on a monthly basis, therefore the promotion will apply to only the first month.

This promotion will bring our already competitive hosting packages as low as:

Shared hosting: As low as $4.95 Now only: $2.48/month (pre-paid)

Reseller Hosting: As low as $24.95 Now Only: $12.48/month (pre-paid)

VPS Hosting: As low as $19.95 Now Only: $9.98/month (First Month)

Dedicated Servers: As low as $174 Now Only $87/month (First Month)