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Tuesday, July 20, 2010



This auction is for two inspiring and information filled books by Anthony Morrison an internet millionaire. See details below.

You will also receive two dvds that accompany this set. They are

Stop Watch Me First and

Three Steps to Fast Profits. Both opened and watched once.

Also comes with information on your FREE affiliate web page!!!

The Hidden Millionaire: Twelve Principles to Uncovering the Entrepreneur In You
Anthony Morrison’s story isn’t merely inspirational; it provides real principles for guiding one’s self through the trials and triumphs of entrepreneurial endeavors. Part guide, part autobiography, The Hidden Millionaire provides access not to just one man’s story, but also insight into the means by which anyone can be successful as an entrepreneur. Anyone can tell you that you could or should be successful: Morrison tells you how.

Advertising Profits From Home: Simple Money Making Strategies You Can Use Right Now From Your Home
Forget everything you have ever been told and any of your preconceived ideas about making money online. Whether you have money, are completely broke and in debt, or you’re someone in between, this is the book that will show you how you can make money online using the simple techniques Anthony has been using for years. If you want a blueprint to financial success in today’s economy, you have the perfect book in your hand.